Nine-day Puran underway in Thimphu for nation’s well-being

The nine-day Puran or Hindu Moenlam Chhenmo began on Saturday at the Devi Panchayan Mandir in Kuenselphodrang, Thimphu. The prayer ceremony is organised for the long life of His Majesty The King and the Royal Family, peace and prosperity of the nation and the well-being of all sentient beings. The puran is being organised by the Hindu Dharma Samudaya, the Hindu religious organisation, and an affiliate of the Chhoedey Lhentshog. Hundreds of Devotees are attending the prayer ceremony.

The Foreign Affairs and External Trade Minister, DN Dhungyel joined the devotees in collecting the holy water from the Chari base in small vessels. The water will be kept in the vessels for nine days to be blessed with mantras. Devotees will be blessed with the holy water during the last day of the prayer ceremony. The Hindu ritual is devoted to Hindu God lord Shiva.

According to the organisation, the prayer ceremony of its kind is being conducted for the first time in Thimphu.

Pandit Dilliram Ghimiray of the Hindu Dharma Samudaya said, “Usually we conduct one puran at a time in seven days but this puran is different from others. Coinciding with this auspicious month, and for the first time in Bhutan, we are conducting three purans together, which are Vishnu Puran, Shiva Puran and Ganesh Puran. That is why it is different and has more significance.”

The prayer ceremony is also aimed at fostering cultural understanding and appreciation, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds to celebrate shared history and traditions.

Achyut Bhandari, a devotee said, “I am very happy. Though it has been around five to six years since the mandhir was established, we couldn’t arrange such prayer ceremony. Now with this initiative taken by the Hindu community and board members, we expect to make this ceremony a great one.”

Menuka Pradhan, who is also attending the ceremony said, “I am extremely happy to take part in this prayer ceremony. This temple is a gift from His Majesty The King and we don’t have to travel anywhere for offering and prayers. I am very happy, many devotees have gathered on the first day itself.”

Anand Rai, another devotee said, “This ceremony is being held for the first time in Thimphu. Since its establishment, there was no trend of conducting such ceremony at the Hindu mandir. Therefore, I am really excited.”

The prayer ceremony will end on 19th of this month.

Sangay Chozom and Tashi Dekar

Edited by Phub Gyem

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