Road dug up for water pipeline makes life difficult for motorists and pedestrians in Samtse town

The ongoing work to lay water pipeline works in Samtse town has worsened the condition of roads along several stretches making life difficult for people residing in the area, especially near the main road. Residents claim the delay in the repair of the roads dug up for laying water pipelines has increased dust pollution and caused great inconveniences to motorists and pedestrians.

The ongoing water pipeline connection work in Samtse is expected to help solve the growing water shortage issue in the town area. However, residents say, the works are never ending and the big holes dug along the roadside as part of the project are causing a lot of inconveniences.

As part of the project, almost all roads in Samtse town are dug up. Piles of soil and gravel are being stocked on the road which the residents complain have been there for a long time now.

The situation is not very good in the Devithang area which is located just behind the town. They say the ongoing project is not only blocking entry to their residences but also causing dust pollution in the locality.

“Since our house is located just below the road, we are struggling a lot with dust issues. A lot of dust enters our house and makes everything dusty. It is also affecting our business. No matter how much water we sprinkle on the road, there is always a lot of dust,” said Nari Drukpa, a resident.

“My aunt lives here and she has a problem in walking. Now, due to the ongoing work, she is having a tough time while going outside as she has to cross the big drains dug by the project. Likewise, road access is also no longer there. Our cars can no longer reach the doorsteps,” said Chandrika Pradhan, another resident.

Likewise, several minor accidents have also taken place in the area due to the narrow roads.

According to motorists, the narrow roads cause a traffic jam-like situation now making the place prone to accidents.

“I have not seen it but I have heard my friends talk about frequent accidents in this area. It would be very helpful for us if the contractor or the Thromde could speed up the work and complete it as soon as possible,” said Karma Khendra, a taxi driver.

“I think it is about two months now since the works began and the works are still not complete. It would be better if they could fill up the drains as soon as they are done laying the pipelines. Forget about heavy vehicles, small ones like ours also find it very hard to give ways for other vehicles,” said Dorji, another taxi driver.

The contractor, however, said they will restore the road as soon as they are done checking the leakages on all pipes. Until then, the contractor said, filling up the holes dug for laying of water pipes won’t be a wise decision.

He further added limited supply of water from the source is further delaying the project as they cannot check the leakages on the pipe without a good supply of water.

The contractor however assured that the roads dug up in the Devithang area will be refilled and restored by this week.

Works to connect Samtse town with a reliable water pipeline connection began in 2019 but the work progress was severely affected by the pandemic.

Passang Dorji, Samtse

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