The best ideas often stem from simple observations. This is true for a couple in Tsangkha Gewog in Dagana. After...
In Khebisa Gewog of Dagana, a four-storey mud house constructed centuries ago stands as a witness to history. Now, as...
While many youths from the region have moved to urban areas in search of better job opportunities, a few young...
It is often love and persistence of the family and society that make recovering from an alcohol and drug addiction...
For centenarians who have seen the world for over a hundred years, age usually is just a number. So, what...
The Buddha Statue at Kuensel Phodrang in Thimphu came alive last night with Gerry Hofstetter’s light art. His projections featured...
Amidst the misty hills of Samtenthang village, the nation bid a heartfelt farewell to one of its most cherished sons,...
In Pema Gatshel’s Shumar Gewog, the sound of bamboo being carved into bows and arrows echoes a story of tradition...
Violence and discrimination against transgender individuals remain widespread despite legal and social progress. Studies show that transgender people are over...
Bhutan's strength lies not in its economy or technology but in its unique culture and traditions. This soft power has...
The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) indicated that it is exploring alternative support measures for civil servants classified under the...
When the pipes of the De-Suung National Service Water Project were first laid in Khar village, they did not just carry water, they carried hope. But what seemed like a lifeline at first soon revealed a new challenge with only one caretaker overseeing the facility. Now, through collaboration and shared responsibility, the people of Khar are finding new ways to...
New companies with just a year of operation can now enter the stock market and raise funds by selling shares. The Corporate Regulatory Authority announced this reduction in Operational Track Record requirements earlier this month. Previously, companies needed to be in the business for at least two years before offering shares to the public. If a company wishes to raise...
Prolonged stress during childhood can have life-long consequences on a person's health and well-being. According to the World Health Organisation, it can disrupt early brain development and weaken the immune and nervous systems. To understand and address the social and mental health challenges caused by childhood issues, about 30 individuals participated in a four-day training in the capital. The four-day...
Come June, some 70 households in Tsangkha Gewog of Dagana will have access to sufficient irrigation water. The ongoing irrigation project is set to address the irrigation water shortage in the area. More than half of the project is already completed. The new irrigation water is sourced from Budhichhu. Besides Gungpa Samchu, the facility will benefit Zinchila and Paateykha chiwogs....
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