Value orientation week benefit students

The value orientation programme, introduced for the first time is benefitting the students of Dorokha Central School in Samtse.

The National Education Conference last month resolved to make every school in the country observe the first week of the academic session as ‘value orientation week’.

During the programme, teachers facilitate students on various programmes related to value and life skills education. Maintaining personal hygiene and articles of the constitution of Bhutan are some of the topics covered. The students are also briefed on basic etiquette of the country.

“I think this programme will help our students a lot because such things are never taught in the classrooms,” said a teacher of Dorokha Central School, Mindu Dorji.

Students say the programme is helpful as it involves a lot of activities.

“Earlier I was not aware of life skills but now I know about self awareness, critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, and coping with stress and emotions,” said Sagar Rai.

Value orientation week in schools is expected to encourage communication and interaction among the students.

The programme is also to strengthen bond between a teacher and student. The core objective of the programme is to build positive behaviour in children.

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