Tsirang cardamom growers anticipate higher prices amid production drop

Cardamom growers in Tsirang are expecting a better price this year, with dealers already agreeing to pay more compared to previous years. The increase in prices is due to a drop in cardamom production, according to the farmers.

Like other cardamom growers in the district, farmers in Dunglagang Gewog are busy harvesting the spice, reaping the rewards of their hard work. Cardamom is the primary source of income for most farmers in the gewog.

However, they say the production has gone down this time due to damage from an unexpected hailstorm in April this year.

Cardamom growers mostly sell cardamom to local dealers in the district.

“We heard a kilogramme of cardamom is fetching Nu 1,510 this year. So, I made an advance payment to buy some from one of my neighbours. This year, even a kilogramme of wet cardamom is fetching up to Nu 285 per kilogramme, compared to just Nu 200 last year,” said Tashi Tobgay, a cardamom grower.

“Growing cardamom is laborious but also fetches us better income. We heard the price for cardamom is higher although the production has dropped this time. We didn’t get any payment as of now since we have yet to finish harvesting the spice. We are encouraged to continue growing the spice when we get a higher price from the spice,” said Ugyen Wangchuk, another cardamom grower.

A local cardamom dealer BBS talked to said that it has been difficult to source large quantities of cardamom this year. As a result, the dealer said the price may increase even higher.

Last year, when the production was plentiful, cardamom initially sold for Nu 800 to 900 per kilogramme but later surged to Nu 1,500.

“The price of cardamom has not dropped as of now. The higher price this year could be mainly because of poor cardamom production amid the increased demand,” said Tashi Tobgay, also a cardamom grower.

Most farmers in Tsirang began growing cardamom as an alternative cash crop after losing their mandarin trees to diseases like citrus greening and fruit drop.

Meanwhile, BBS learnt that cardamom production has also declined in other gewogs that were not affected by the April hailstorm.

Pema Tshewang, Tsirang          

Edited by Sonam Pem

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