Damphu Central School in Tsirang celebrates Culture Day to learn more about culture and tradition

To learn more about the country’s rich culture and tradition, Damphu Central School in Tsirang dedicated a day to celebrate the school’s annual Culture Day. This year, Culture Day was celebrated on Wednesday, transforming its school campus into a lively hub of tradition and festivity. The Culture Day showcased cultural items, mask dances, exhibitions and local cuisines.

Initially started as the school’s ‘History Day’ last year, it has been changed to school’s annual Culture Day this year.

Themed ‘Unity in Diversity’, the day featured a variety of cultural items, sacred mask dances such as Drametse Ngachham, and an exhibition on household tools, ancient artefacts, and religious monuments.

A few traditional outdoor games were also included making the event entertaining.

Similarly, varieties of food items mostly prepared by students were displayed.

Students also took the lead roles in preparations for the day without affecting their regular classes.

Sangay Gyeltshen, a student said “Conducting such events will help students to know about different kinds of culture and tradition that we have in our country and they can pass these traditions down to the younger generations, and students can get themselves educated on such kind of programmes. They will always try to advocate these good practices to other schools or communities.”

Pema Choki, another student said “Tsirang district has many different types of culture and many people from different districts come together in Tsirang. So, having such programmes can engrain the people’s heart whereby different cultures can be clubbed together and we can share the tradition and culture together and make it one as a nation.”

Nandu Ram Pradhan, who is also a student said “I came across many age-old tools which I have not seen in my life so far. For instance, our ancestors have used this ‘Sipa’ for years. But I would not have seen it if not for the culture day celebration like today.”

At the end of the day, the top three classes were awarded cash prizes and consolation prizes for the rest.

Bhuwan Ghalley, Principal of Damphu CS said “Along with understanding and knowing the culture, we also expected the students to learn collaboration and team building because to come up with this programme it is not one man’s show, it’s all students coming together having their individual contribution in coming up with the programme. So, that is the purpose behind and it’s all about understanding the unity under cultural diversity.”

Tashi Wangchuk, a teacher said “Celebrating a Culture Day like this will help preserve the country’s rich culture. Moreover, the day will also help instill values of culture and tradition in the minds of students and parents for a greater cause.”

Parents were also invited to the event. Some of them helped the school management financially for the day to encourage their children’s learning processes.

Thinley Tshomo, a parent said “The programmes for the day are very entertaining and full of creativity. Students are very talented in many fields and programmes are very captivating. I have seen a few of the ancient tools but there are also some which I have not seen at all.”

The school currently has over 650 students studying in classes nine to twelve. Damphu Central School which strives for excellence is a part of the Bhutan Baccalaureate.

Pema Tshewang, Tsirang                                                                                                    

Edited by Tshering Zam 

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