First-ever TVET Fair held in Thimphu

To offer a platform for students, unemployed youth, and individuals to explore vocational education opportunities across the country, the first-ever Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Fair was held in the capital today. During the event, it was announced that four diploma courses will be introduced in the TVET sector. These courses are expected to improve job prospects for TVET graduates.

The fair featured exhibitions from ten technical training institutes from across the country, where students demonstrated their skills.


Attendees also had the opportunity to register for courses on the spot and receive information on employment opportunities, entrepreneurship, labour market rights, and career guidance.

Moreover, Country Coordinator of Bhutan Education and Skills Training, Lobzang Dorji highlighted that numerous initiatives will be implemented in the TVET sector.

‘‘We are offering four diploma courses and one NC-level 2 course. All of these courses have achieved accreditation and standards at the international level. For the first time, we are offering it to youths. We are also partnering with the Wangsel Institute of the Deaf and we are also conducting a baseline study of sign language interpreters. We plan to recruit two sign language interpreters in the institutes to enhance inclusivity.’’

He also added that the diploma courses are high-demand courses, which will prepare the workforce for the Gelephu Mindfulness City.

During the fair, the education and skills development minister said that the ministry aspires to provide vocational or tertiary qualification to at least 50 per cent of the Bhutanese workforce by 2029 and 80 per cent by 2033.

The fair is organised in collaboration with the Department of Workforce Planning and Skills Development, RENEW and the Department of Employment and Entrepreneurship.

The TVET Fair will also be held in Samtse, Zhemgang, and Monggar in October.

Sonam Yuden

Edited by Tshering Zam 

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