Dorji Lopen confers dhar to new Lams of Wachhey Dzong and Chizhi Goenpa

The Dorji Lopen of the Central Monastic Body conferred dhar to the new Lams of Wachhey Dzong in Wangdue Phodrang and Chizhi Goenpa in Thimphu during a ceremony at Tashichhodzong today.

The new Wachhey Lam is 51-year-old Kinley Dophu from Wachhey in Bjena Gewog, Wangdue Phodrang.

He entered monkhood at the age of seven at Dechen Phodrang Monastic School and graduated from Paro Sangchen Chokhor Buddhist College.

He also completed a three-year retreat at Haa Goenpa and served as a teacher at Khothang Rinchenling Buddhist College. He was the officiating Khothang Jangsa Dzong lam.

Similarly, 35-year-old Penjor has been appointed as the new Lam of Chizhi Goenpa in Thimphu.

He hails from Marta-Lungchu in Thedtsho Gewog, Wangdue Phodrang. Penjor entered monkhood at the age of nine and graduated from Dorden Tashithang Buddhist University.

He also completed a retreat at Chizhi Goenpa and previously served as a teacher at Namgaychoeling Goenzin Dratshang in Phuentshogling.

Tshering Zam 

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