Storm destroys maize fields in Trashigang’s Yobinang village

A storm has damaged around 20 acres of maize fields at Yobinang village in Trashigang’s Shongphu Gewog. Villagers of Yobinang mainly grow maize for consumption. They are now worried as their months of hard work are lost to the storm.

Maize fields belonging to 30 farmers were damaged by the storm on Saturday. Farmers said the maize plants would otherwise be ready for harvest within a month.

For now, they are not fully matured.

Farmer said the storm which lasted for around five minutes had not only damaged maize but even some walnut and other trees.

Farmers added that although they used to suffer damages from wind every year, crops were not damaged to this extent.

“It was cloudy in the mountains and within a few minutes, it started raining in our village. I do not know from where the rainfall has started. Within a few minutes, our maize plants were damaged,” said Zangmo, a farmer.

“I think the damage happened because of natural phenomena such as heavy rainfall with strong wind. A few of our villagers doubt that some people might have disturbed the mountain area. But I do not think that could be the reason,” said Sherub Dorji, another farmer.

Yeshi Dorji, who is also a farmer said “We depend on maize. Other crops do not grow well here. I used to purchase imported rice but this time, I think we have to buy more. For that, we have to look for work on daily wages.”

Yobinang farmers usually grow maize for self-consumption, as fodder for cattle and sell the surplus.

The gewog administration has compiled the report on the extent of damages which was forwarded to the Trashigang district administration.

An official from the National Centre for Hydrology and Meteorology said the storm might have been possibly caused by a cloudburst.

Sonam Darjay, Trashigang 

Edited by Tshering Zam 

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