New potato auction centre in Wangdue Phodrang to ease farmers’ burdens

Potato growers of Wangdue Phodrang will no longer have to take their harvests to Phuntsholing for auction hereafter. The Food Corporation of Bhutan will conduct potato auctions within the district through an online system beginning this year. This initiative will address the numerous inconveniences faced by the farmers including transporting the harvest to Phuentshogling. The centre also has machines for potato grading, washing, drying, sorting, and packaging.

The centre was opened at Jangchen-Kumbu Chiwog in Gangtey Gewog yesterday.

Agriculture Minister Yonten Phuntsho inaugurated the centre. UNDP Resident Representative, parliamentarian and district administration officials were also present.

The centre is equipped with two sets of machines for potato grading, washing, drying, sorting, and packaging. Machines can do the grading of four different sizes of potatoes.

“Now, farmers should bring their potatoes to this centre only. The Food Corporation of Bhutan will do potato sorting and packaging, and also auction through online system. The potato transportation to Phuentsholing will also be done by FCB. Therefore, farmers will no longer have to go to Phuentsholing by incurring transportation charges in addition to waiting for weeks. It has immense benefits for farmers. Likewise, farmers will be able to get their money after three days of auction,” said Dorji Tashi, Food Corporation of Bhutan’s Chief Executive Officer.

The centre also has one store facility which can accommodate more than 500 metric tons of potatoes.

Of the 15 gewogs in Wangdue Phodrang, farmers of around 10 gewogs grow potatoes. An official said the district produces, on an average, more than 17,800 metric tons of potatoes every year.

Goley, a farmer said “Earlier, when we had to go to Phuentshogling, we had to spend huge expenditure. But now, we can visit the centre and return to our homes on the same day. We can earn from our doorsteps now. So, we will have to continue potato cultivation.”

“Earlier, we had to stay almost a month in Phuentshogling, paying rent. We spend at least 30,000 ngultrum in expenses,” said Tashi Dorji, Jangchen-Kumbu Tshogpa.

Pemo, a farmer from Jangchen-Kumbu Chiwog said “I took two truckloads of potatoes to Phuentshogling last year. We struggled due to the rotting of potatoes. I could not earn a good income as I had to spend on house rent and other expenses. But from this year, I am expecting to earn more money as we have FCB nearby and we will no longer have to spend and pay the transportation charges.”

According to the agriculture and livestock ministry, the country is earning more than Nu 750 M annually from exporting potatoes.

The centre was built at a cost of over Nu 75 M with financial support from the Global Environment Facility’s Least Development Country’s Fund through UNDP, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the Royal Government of Bhutan.

The government is also planning to open similar facilities in Bumthang and Khaling in Trashigang from next year.

Changa Dorji, Wangdue Phodrang 

Edited by Tshering Zam  

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