Rabies cases in Phuentshogling and Nganglam, 16 people bitten by rabid dogs

In Chhukha, several people have been bitten by rabid dogs in the last few days. Similarly, Nganglam in Pema Gatshel also reported rabies outbreak where five individuals were bitten by a rabid dog. All the individuals bitten by rabid dogs in both districts are said to be in stable condition as of now.

In Chhukha, just yesterday, the hospital saw 10 people with dog bites from the truck parking area in lower Phuentshogling town. All were bitten by one rabid dog.

A black stray dog near the truck parking area showed unusual aggressive behavior and randomly attacked people in the street.

The residents killed the dog after it bit several people.

The first case was reported in Toorsa Tar where a dog bit a 22-year-old man and two cows. The man was bitten by the dog on Wednesday.

The matter was reported to the livestock officials the next day after the dog bit two milking cows.

The dog tested positive for rabies and livestock officials took the necessary measures.

Both the rabid positive dogs were not vaccinated as their ears were not notched.

“There is frequent outbreak of rabies in the bordering districts. One reason is because of the porous border where stray animals can easily enter our area. The dogs here are all vaccinated and have notched ears. And every time, the cases are detected in animals from bordering areas the ears are not notched. This means the dogs are not vaccinated,” said Dr Chendu Dorji, Phuentshogling’s Regional Veterinary Officer.

The Phuentshogling hospital provided anti-rabies vaccines to the people who were bitten by rabid dogs.

According to the National Guidelines for Management of Rabies, rabies immunoglobulin, which is a medication, should also be administered.

With insufficient doses in Phuentshogling hospital, health staff are mobilising from the other hospitals.

“Rabies immunoglobulin is important. We did not have enough stock and so we have asked from the nearby hospitals such as Tsimalakha. We then administered the doses. Given the high risk here, we are also receiving from other hospitals such as Thimphu, Gelephu and Monggar so we will have enough stock,” said Dr Dorji Tshering, Chief Medical Officer of Phuentshogling Hospital.

Officials are working towards managing the outbreak.

Officials said they are planning for mass vaccination and have asked for additional manpower from Thimphu.

Meanwhile, officials are urging people to report any suspected cases and ensure the safety of individuals.

In Pema Gatshel, the rabies outbreak in Tshenkari of Nganglam was confirmed through the antigen rapid test at the Nganglam Veterinary Hospital yesterday. The rabid dog which died yesterday had bitten five people between Tuesday and Wednesday.

In addition, the rabid dog had also bitten two other dogs in the area.

According to the Nganglam Hospital, all the individuals bitten by the rabid dog are in stable condition without any symptoms and have been given the rabies immunoglobulin vaccine brought in from Monggar Regional Referral Hospital early this morning.

Kinley Dem and Thinley Dorji

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