Five students to represent Bhutan at 2024 International Math Olympiad in London

Five high school students will be representing the country in this year’s International Mathematical Olympiad described as the most prestigious maths competition. They will be competing against high school maths geniuses from around 150 countries. The competition will be held this Friday at Bath in the United Kingdom.

The five students are Tandin Tshering from Yangchenphug Higher Secondary School in Thimphu, Pema Wangyal from Jigme Sherubling Higher Secondary School in Trashigang, Pema Ugyen Dendup from Druk Gyalpo’s Institute in Paro, Jigme Thinley Choeda from Dechencholing Higher Secondary School in Thimphu and Sonam Loday from Karmaling Higher Secondary School in Samdrup Jongkhar.

They were selected through the HRH Gyalsey Math Award competition last year in which about 200 students took part. They were tested on their analytical skills and ability to solve complex questions.

To help them prepare for the competition, the five students have been receiving coaching classes in Gelephu from three students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for three weeks. They also attended sessions at The Royal Academy in Pangbisa, Paro.

The participants said they felt both excited and nervous.

“This is my first time competing in such a competition, and I am equally excited and nervous. What I expect from the IMO is to meet many students around my age who are equally passionate about mathematics,” said Jigme Thinley Cheda, Dechencholing Higher Secondary School, Thimphu.

According to the deputy chief of the STEM and Innovation Division, such competitions will not only give students exposure but also help in reviewing the math curriculum in the country.

“By taking part in that programme we could also look into our mathematics curriculum, and if there would be any requirement to add additional topics or chapters or remove some of the chapters or topics it would be beneficial,” said Yeshey Lhendup, Deputy Chief of STEM and Innovation Division, MoESD.

While there were six winners from last year’s maths competition, an official said one did not meet the standards for the international competition.

The official added that this will be the first time the country is participating in the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Sonam Yuden & Pema Tshomo

Edited by Yeshi Gyaltshen

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