Two Indian villages benefit from Phuentshogling’s flood mitigation efforts

People of the neighbouring Indian villages of Khokla Basti and Toribari are all smiles as Bhutan extends its support for flood mitigation efforts. The Phuentshogling Thromde and Dungkhag administrations have provided an excavator to dredge the stream near the border, which swells during monsoon.

The two Indian villages of Khokla Basti and Toribari share a border with Pekarzhing in Pasakha. The stream that flows into these two Indian villages swells whenever it rains, causing serious flood risks.

Residents of the two villages said that this stream had flooded several times in the past. Recently, they asked Bhutan for help because rain over the past few days has caused debris to fill up the watercourse.

“We are very thankful to Bhutan. During heavy rainfalls, the stream swells and gets diverted into our villages. We are grateful that officials from Bhutan quickly responded to our needs,” said Tshesang Lama, a panchayat member of Khokla Basti_Toribari.

“We are grateful to Bhutan for their support as our villages get flooded during heavy monsoon and officials from Bhutan have quickly rendered their support and saved our villages,” said Pawan Birmoktan, a youth leader of Khokla Basti.

“When it rains, debris fills the waterway, diverting the river into the villages and causing flooding. People and leaders here have requested our support for dredging work. Given the good friendship we share, we have gladly extended our assistance,” said Karma Jurmi, Phuentshogling Dungpa.

Dungkhag officials said that they are happy to help the neighbouring friends in need. They added that this will only strengthen the good friendship between the two countries.

Kinley Dem, Phuentshogling

Edited by Sonam Pem

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