Reintegration Programme Desk working on registration links for Bhutanese returnees

A designated office, to specifically cater to the needs, and to support Bhutanese wishing to return home from abroad has been established under the Ministry of Industry Commerce and Employment, MoICE. During the Meet the Press session yesterday, the prime minister said the rationale is to provide information regarding opportunities back home to Bhutanese citizens who wish to return to the country.

According to the prime minister, the separate office established under the MoICE will provide information related to investment and business opportunities in the country, as well as details about work opportunities.

Called the Reintegration Programme Desk under the Employment Service Division of the Department of Employment and Entrepreneurship, the office is currently working on application links for registration for individuals wanting to return home.

“To welcome them, we have established a separate office to provide them information, general information about coming back, information about where they could invest and start businesses, and back up that information with proper hand holding and support upon their return. If they want to rejoin work that they have left in the civil service, in the public service, we will help them. No guarantees, but we will help them,” said Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister.

Although the office will support those returning, the prime minister highlighted that those who are in the country will remain as the government’s priority.

“There are many youth who are unemployed. We have to train them. We have to give them opportunities. After such training, we’ve got to give them opportunities to work, give them job opportunities in existing work, or provide them with loans and mentorship to start their businesses. This is our priority. Our priority is for those who are here, whether they are in the government or the private sector.”

The Prime Minister announced the establishment of this office during the 3rd Meet the Press session last month.

Sonam Yuden

Edited by Phub Gyem 

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