Water pump installation transforms lives of villagers in Chungkhar, Pema Gatshel

Water scarcity remains a pressing issue in most of the villages of Zobel Gewog in Pema Gatshel. However, the installation of water pumps has brought significant relief, ensuring a consistent supply of drinking water. Chungkhar village, once plagued by water shortage, has successfully overcome this challenge, rendering it a thing of the past.

The water sources for Chungkhar village in Zobel Gewog are located downhill. So, the water pumps have helped the villagers in drawing the water from the sources to a reservoir which is located on the top of the village.

There are two water pumps drawing water from separate sources.

“We had a difficult time as there was not enough water to even do dishes. Now, we are happy with the new facility. We have enough water to even wash our clothes,” said Chana, a resident.

“Now we have enough water for ourselves and even to feed our cattle. We do not have to walk and fetch water unlike in the past,” said Sonam Tobgay, another resident.

“A family member was required to walk to fetch water in the past. So, we do not get time to collect firewood and do other works. Today, we are all happy. Now, we have enough water for gardening as well,” said Penjor, who is also a resident.

The water pumps were installed in November last year with a budget of more than Nu 800,000. 25 households in the village have been benefitted.

Thinley Dorji, Pema Gatshel

Edited by Tshering Zam

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