Nu 3.5 M worth Zhabdrung Khamsum Zilnon Thongdrel consecrated at Talakha Tashi Drugyel Monastic Institution

Laytshog Lopen of the Central Monastic Body consecrated a Zhabdrung Khamsum Zilnon Thongdrel and monk’s hostel at Talakha Tashi Drugyel Monastic Institution in Thimphu today. Along with the Laytshog Lopen, about 50 monks conducted the rituals. The monastic institution spent over Nu 30 M to complete the project.

More than a hundred devotees gathered at the Talakha Lhakhang to receive blessings from the Zhabdrung Khamsum Zilnon Thongdrel.

Measuring 38 meters long and 58 meters wide, the Thongdrel is the first of its kind in the country.

The Thongdrel, which costs Nu 3.5 M was made with contributions from devotees. The development of the Thongdrel started in 2020.

The Thongdrel was made to pay homage to the Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, and Wangchuck Dynasty, and to bring peace and prosperity to the country.

‘‘Thongdrel of Zhabdrung Rinpochhe’s is everywhere in the country. However, we made Zhabdrung Khamsum Zilnon Thongdrel in Talakha. Zhabdrung Rinpoche after arriving in the country, built Semtokha Dzong and Chari Monastery for the first time. After that, he appointed four high lams and the Thongdrel depicts these four high lams,’’ said Lam Kencho Tshering, Talakha Tashi Drugyel  Monastic Institution.

Similarly, the Laytshog Lopen also concreted the hostel for monks.

According to the Lam of the monastic institution, since the old hostel was deteriorating, construction of the new hostel began in 2018.

Including a Nu 1.5 M contribution from the government, a total of Nu 30 M was spent to construct the hostel.

‘‘Initially, we thought of constructing a small hostel as we received less budget from the government. However, I have received a budget during my tenure and it is my responsibility to construct it. And I thought if I construct it in my tenure, it will be difficult in the future,’’ said Lam Kencho Tshering.

As part of the project, a residence for the institution’s lam was also constructed. He added that with support from the people residing in Chamgang and contributions from others, the hostel will be a model for other monastic institutions. The new structure will house about 100 monks. It has 30 rooms and four toilets.

‘‘When we stayed in that wood cabin it was too cold for us to stay. Therefore, Lam has put his effort into constructing this house. When it is cold we could not study well in that cabin. We have study halls in this new hostel and we are happy to get such facilities,’’ said Nima Kencho Wangchuk,  a monk of Talakha Tashi Drugyel Monastic Institution.

Talakha Tashi Drugyel Monastic Institution has about 25 monks.

The Laytshog Lopen administered blessings of longevity to the people gathered at the consecration ceremony.

Karma Wangdi

Edited by Sherub Dorji

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