The government has not suspended its efforts to join the World Trade Organization, WTO but is moving forward cautiously. This...
Residents of Bjimithang Chiwog in Punakha's Dzomi Gewog, are increasingly worried as they are unable to cultivate crops in winter...
The National Teaching Service, a dedicated framework to professionalise and improve teachers will be rolled out by next year. During...
Residents in the upper parts of Trashigang face a challenge when refuelling their vehicles, as there are no fuel stations...
To address crime, drug abuse and domestic violence in Gelephu Mindfulness City, Police along with The PEMA Secretariat, RENEW and...
The National Council unanimously adopted the Air Service Agreement between Bhutan and Kuwait today. The agreement is expected to enhance...
The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) indicated that it is exploring alternative support measures for civil servants classified under the...
The National Education Policy 2024 has been submitted to the Cabinet for endorsement according to the education and skills development minister. She disclosed this during the Meet the Press on Friday saying it will be immediately implemented after the endorsement. This policy aligns with His Majesty The King's Royal Kasho on Education Reform granted in 2020 which will guide and...
Residents of Bjimithang Chiwog in Punakha's Dzomi Gewog, are increasingly worried as they are unable to cultivate crops in winter due to unreliable irrigation water supply. Despite receiving seeds from the government, people say the erratic water supply might delay their work, leaving fields uncultivated during winter. The villagers had planned to use the paddy fields this winter to cultivate...
The National Council unanimously adopted the Air Service Agreement between Bhutan and Kuwait today. The agreement is expected to enhance air connectivity between Bhutan and Kuwait, open new tourism opportunities, create jobs, and boost revenue through increased aviation activity. The House also adopted the Alternative Dispute Resolution Amendment Bill of Bhutan 2024 which aims to align Bhutan’s dispute resolution practices...
During Friday's Meet the Press session, the industry, commerce, and employment minister outlined a series of initiatives to support the growth of the country's private sector. In response to a question about boosting the stagnant private sector, he explained that the government is actively working to address key challenges, including access to finance, regulatory obstacles, and human resource shortages. Namgyal...
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