Despite the completion of a cold storage facility in March this year, none of the 130 piggery farms in Tsirang...
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay inaugurated a two-day festival at Rongtse Nye in Haa’s Sangbaykha Dungkhag, yesterday. It is aimed at...
The National Education Policy 2024 has been submitted to the Cabinet for endorsement according to the education and skills development...
The government has not suspended its efforts to join the World Trade Organization, WTO but is moving forward cautiously. This...
Residents of Bjimithang Chiwog in Punakha's Dzomi Gewog, are increasingly worried as they are unable to cultivate crops in winter...
The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) indicated that it is exploring alternative support measures for civil servants classified under the...
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay inaugurated a two-day festival at Rongtse Nye in Haa’s Sangbaykha Dungkhag, yesterday. It is aimed at promoting tourism and traditional cuisine, and improve local businesses. This inaugural event is the first of its kind in the Dungkhag, unlocking the cultural and economic potential of the region. Hundreds of people from Gakiling and Sangbay Gewogs under Sangbaykha...
To address crime, drug abuse and domestic violence in Gelephu Mindfulness City, Police along with The PEMA Secretariat, RENEW and the National Commission for Women and Children conducted a five-day awareness and sensitisation programme. The initiative was aimed at creating a safer, crime and drug-free community through preventive measures. During the programme, stakeholders presented their roles and responsibilities, encouraging open...
Three schools in Chhukha have been working on local issues such as waste management and promoting local products as part of the Project-Based Learning for Gross National Happiness, PBL for GNH. Project-based learning is an educational approach that engages students to address real-world problems and promotes hands-on collaborative learning experiences. The programme was piloted as a school club activity in...
Honouring the transformative power of volunteerism in advancing sustainable development and promoting inclusive communities, International Volunteer’s Day was celebrated at Changyul Park in Thimphu today. The day was marked with the theme, “Together We Act: Celebrating Volunteerism for a Better Future”. International Volunteer Day is celebrated on 5th December every year. The Executive Coordinator for United Nations Volunteers, Toily Kurbanov, along with...
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