Mendrelthang extended classroom in need of maintenance in Lunana

Since its construction in 2012, it provided basic education for about a hundred children of highlanders in Tshozhong chiwog in Gasa. We are talking about Mendrelthang extended classroom in Lunana, where the first Bhutanese Oscar-nominated feature film, Lunana: A Yak in the classroom was shot. But today, the classroom has fallen apart leaving the children of Tshozhong in fear of missing out on their classroom learning this year.

It sits beautifully on the laps of the misty, mighty mountains of Lunana at over 4,000 meters above sea level.

The classroom’s rooftop was blown away by a windstorm last month leaving it in a state that is beyond repair this time. Tshozhong residents said the old CGI sheets and timbers have worn out.

Otherwise, every winter, the highlanders of Tshozhong would come together to repair what is left of the rooftops blown away by a windstorm.

Mendrelthang ECR is the only school for children of about 30 households in Tshozhong chiwog in Lunana. The classroom had 15 students last year.

Schools in the region normally resume from mid-April every year when the weather becomes a little warmer.

“School re-opening time is just around the corner. The parents can’t repair the school. We have to go far into the wild to collect wooden shingles. Moreover, CGI sheets are all damaged and cannot be used now. So, parents are worried that our children won’t be able to go to school this time,” said Nima Tshering, Tshonzhong resident.

“All wood shingles are damaged and CGI sheets have all worn out. The new school is still under construction and the old one is beyond repair. The parents are worried as the school reopening time is nearing,” said Gyembo, another resident.

“My son will be studying in class one this time. But I am worried if my son will be able to study as the school has been damaged by the windstorm,” said Karma Yangden.

The Lunana Gup said they have identified a space near the Tshozhong Dzong to use as a classroom for the time being.

“Even for the teachers, it is better to teach in a classroom. They said it is not convenient to use the Dzong as a classroom,” said Gyembo Tshering.

“I heard the Dzong will be used as a classroom. But we are worried that our children might fall from the stairs. The staircase inside the Dzong is too steep,” said Karma Yangden.

A new school comprising two classrooms and a staff quarter was supposed to be ready by July this year. But the construction has been stopped for now due to challenges in transporting construction materials and shortage of workers in the area.

Moreover, the harsh climate condition and heavy snowfall hampered the work progress. The new structures might be ready only in November.

This education facility became popular after it appeared in the first Bhutanese Oscar-nominated feature film “Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom”.

Changa Dorji, Wangdue Phodrang

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