Despite the completion of a cold storage facility in March this year, none of the 130 piggery farms in Tsirang...
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay inaugurated a two-day festival at Rongtse Nye in Haa’s Sangbaykha Dungkhag, yesterday. It is aimed at...
The National Education Policy 2024 has been submitted to the Cabinet for endorsement according to the education and skills development...
The government has not suspended its efforts to join the World Trade Organization, WTO but is moving forward cautiously. This...
Residents of Bjimithang Chiwog in Punakha's Dzomi Gewog, are increasingly worried as they are unable to cultivate crops in winter...
The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) indicated that it is exploring alternative support measures for civil servants classified under the...
During a consultation meeting with the Department of Procurement and Properties, yesterday, contractors said the Procurement Rules and Regulations 2023 could increase the risk of fostering corruption and distrust among contractors. Among several issues, they argue that accepting bids for evaluation when the quoted amount is within a plus-minus margin of the estimated cost undermines fair competition. A section of...
Fermented soyabean, locally known as Libe Yidpa, is a traditionally valued plant-based food for Dechhenling residents in Pema Gatshel. The cherished food is bringing new hope to a group of farmers there. After years of struggle with poor harvests and limited production, the Shingchongri Soyabean Fermentation Group is experiencing better yields and higher income. The group members are preparing to...
Support staff in schools, such as Elementary Service Personnel (ESP) and General Service Personnel (GSP), including cooks, will enjoy enhanced benefits as para-regular employees. The move, the education minister confirmed yesterday, during the parliament’s question hour session, grants them salary raises, transfers, loans, Provident Fund, gratuity, and professional development at par with regular civil servants. They were recruited as contract...
The National Council unanimously adopted the Air Service Agreement between Bhutan and Kuwait today. The agreement is expected to enhance air connectivity between Bhutan and Kuwait, open new tourism opportunities, create jobs, and boost revenue through increased aviation activity. The House also adopted the Alternative Dispute Resolution Amendment Bill of Bhutan 2024 which aims to align Bhutan’s dispute resolution practices...
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