In Chhukha’s Darla Gewog, a group of farmers are expanding their dairy business. The Darla Gonor Thoenked Gongphel Detshen celebrates...
A landslide prone stretch along the Kangpara Gewog Centre road in Trashigang continues to pose risks to travellers. Yet, many...
With the rise in Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis or MDR-TB cases, the health ministry has been implementing the latest interventions. A shorter...
Students from various districts have gathered at Royal Thimphu College for the 7th STEM Camp. With a growing interest in...
Bhutan has exhausted its known coal reserves, according to the Environmental Accounts Statistics 2024 report. Coal extraction peaked at 190,000...
Residents of Pema Gatshel and the nearby districts in the east are not looking any further when it comes to...
The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) indicated that it is exploring alternative support measures for civil servants classified under the...
For centenarians who have seen the world for over a hundred years, age usually is just a number. So, what is it that is keeping them going for this long? Perhaps, Tumba Dema from Pema Gatshel’s Tshelingor village has an answer for this. The 108-year-old centenarian is active and independent for her age, able to walk around her home without...
In the highland communities such as Merak and Sakteng in Trashigang, where livelihoods rely heavily on livestock, the Sakteng Nyingje Jam Chong Tshogpa has become a lifeline. The centre has saved more than 1,500 calves from being culled, over the past six years, offering hope to herders and a future for the low-yielding cattle. These two types of calves are...
The country’s balance of payments for the first quarter of the 2024-25 financial year has been revised down by four per cent to Nu 12.5bn, primarily due to a growing trade deficit driven by rising imports. The balance of payments measures the net flow of money into and out of the country over a given period. Despite this revision, the...
Tens of thousands of Bhutanese living abroad have already invested in the Gelephu International Airport Fixed-Term Deposit. In an exclusive interview with BBS, Oro Bank CEO Mike Kayamori said that the nation-building campaign has raised millions of US dollars to fund the Gelephu International Airport. The bank extended the deadline to purchase the fixed-term deposit until the end of March,...
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