In Chhukha’s Darla Gewog, a group of farmers are expanding their dairy business. The Darla Gonor Thoenked Gongphel Detshen celebrates...
A landslide prone stretch along the Kangpara Gewog Centre road in Trashigang continues to pose risks to travellers. Yet, many...
With the rise in Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis or MDR-TB cases, the health ministry has been implementing the latest interventions. A shorter...
Students from various districts have gathered at Royal Thimphu College for the 7th STEM Camp. With a growing interest in...
Bhutan has exhausted its known coal reserves, according to the Environmental Accounts Statistics 2024 report. Coal extraction peaked at 190,000...
Residents of Pema Gatshel and the nearby districts in the east are not looking any further when it comes to...
The Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) indicated that it is exploring alternative support measures for civil servants classified under the...
A walk for a cause, Emma Slade, the founder and CEO of "Opening Your Heart to Bhutan," a registered UK charity, is taking on a challenge, a difficult one. Widely known as Ani Pema Deki, she will walk the 400-kilometre-long Trans-Bhutan Trail. Her goal is to raise Nu 35 M to support children with disabilities. 59-year-old Ani Pema Deki is...
The country’s electricity sector is expected to grow by 19.8% this year, driven by the Punatsangchhu-II Hydropower Project. The construction of Small Hydropower Projects and new hydropower projects are also expected to add to the growth. However, the tourism sector is anticipated to bounce back to the pre-pandemic level only in 2027, affecting the growth target set under the 13th...
To promote locally made products both domestically and internationally, a new Cottage and Small Industry or CSI Market is now opened in Samdrup Jongkhar. This is the third such outlet in the country, with others located in Thimphu and Paro. More than 80 products are now available at the CSI Market, offering a diverse range of locally made products. The...
Residents of Dorokha are unhappy with the education and skills development ministry’s decision to downgrade Dorokha Lower Secondary School to a primary school. They argue that the school should instead be upgraded. A recent notification from the Samtse District Education sector has left Dorokha residents disappointed. Starting from the academic year 2025, nearly 200 students in classes seven and eight...
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