Farmers’ group to supply organic vegetables to Dorokha Central School

From next year onwards, Drangreyboo-Ngagang Sonam Magyuel Sogjog Nyamley Tshogdey, a farmers’ group in Dorokha Drungkhag will supply organic vegetables to Dorokha Central School.

The group took this decision following a two-day training that focused on “linking producer’s groups with schools to supply local farm produce.” They also agreed to serve as an outlet of livestock products and fruits to the school.

The training which ended recently was organised by the Department of Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives (DAMC) to enhance nutritional intake of school children.  The other objective is to create sustainable markets for farmers, generate income at farm level and create youth employment.

Over 90 members in the group were thrilled to launch their first-ever mass supply of vegetables.

“We are happy as we will get an opportunity to earn some income by supplying our agricultural products.  We intend to supply organic vegetables which will benefit our school children,” said Mani Bdr Rai, Chairperson of Drangreyboo-Ngagang Sonam Magyuel Sogjog Nyamley Tshogdey.

Other members also hope that the initiative will fetch them higher returns.

“Today we are selling our crops at Dorokha market in less quantity and sometimes, we sell them to shopkeepers at very low price. This incurs losses. But now we hope for better income,” added Dawa.

A consultative meeting was also held for the farmers’ group and the school officials to negotiate on the rate and quantities of the farm produce.

“Linking farmers group with schools to supply vegetables have proven successful in all six eastern districts and we hope the same here in Samtse,” said Mek Bdr Chhetri of DAMC.

The central school requires over 6000kg of 18 different vegetables every month for more than 1000 students. The school is currently receiving the vegetables and other food items from a local supplier. Some other eatable products are imported from across the border.

Apart from the members of the farmers group, other farmers will also be allowed to supply their farm produce.

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