Zhemgang inks TOR for community based tourism

In a bid to promote Zhemgang District as a sustainable tourism destination, the dzongkhag administration has developed the “Terms of Reference” or TOR for the community based tourism.

This means, tourists visiting Zhemgang must hereafter follow the TOR. The dzongkhag authority launched the Terms of Reference on May 3.

“Since the place is seeing an increasing number of tourists, we felt that the TOR is needed. We formed a community based tourism committee to implement the regulation,” said Thinley Jamtsho, focal person of Community Based Tourism Committee.

The TOR is expected to improve tourist facilities such as restrooms, eateries and other hospitality services.

“Right now, tourists coming from Thimphu bring along edibles, water and tents here. And communities were not benefited. We will submit TOR to Tourism Council and hope things will improve,” added Thinley Jamtsho.

Although, Zhemgang is trailing behind most of the districts in terms of development and poverty rate is high, dzongkhag officials say the district is rich in Biodiversity.

“Development is taking place but looking at the economy perspective, Zhemgang has the highest poverty rate but we have ample opportunities where we can explore ways for economic growth,” said Zhemgang Dzongda, Harka S. Tamang.

Over the past couple of years, the dzongkhag saw impressive number of tourists, which has led to expansion of some eco-lodges and guest houses. Last year, about 800 tourists came to Zhemgang.

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