Finance ministry to consider disbursing gewog fund through BDBL

The Ministry of Finance will look into the possibility of disbursing government funds for the gewogs through the Bhutan Development Bank Limited.

Proposed by Trongsa MP Tharchen, the recommendation was supported by the parliament.

“The BDB has almost 33 branch offices across the country,” said Lyonpo Namgay Dorji. “The ministry will look into when and how this recommendation can be put into action.”

Currently, the government channels its gewog funds through the Bank of Bhutan (BOB). Therefore, the gewog officials have to travel to the dzongkhags to withdraw the funds. This entails cost and is also time consuming.

“It will not only benefit the local leaders but also people working in the gewog offices,” said MP Tharchen. “They will not have to go all the way to the Dzongkhag headquarters to withdraw money,” he added.

The National Assembly Speaker, Jigme Zangpo, described the recommendation as useful. “If it’s about people not having to spend time and money, it’s something worth looking at,” he said.

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