Thimphu hospital diagnoses 6,000 mental illnesses in 10 years

JDWNRHseesanIncreaseinMentalIllnessThe number people suffering from mental illnesses have doubled in the last decade. National Referral Hospital in Thimphu alone diagnosed more than 6,000 cases in last 10 years.

Mental illnesses include depression, anxiety and somatoform disorders.

A report on Crime and Mental Health Issues among the Young Bhutanese People, the mental health issues was more common among the youngsters.

A Psychiatrist at JDWNR Hospital, Dr. Damber K. Nirola said the younger generation is facing increasing societal pressure. He said a lot many people have graduated shrinking the job market.

“There is lot of pressure from the parents and among themselves. I think we have made our young people, sort of, feel that there is no sort of alternative to education.”

From 61 mental disorders cases recorded in the hospital, anxiety is one of the common disorders that people of Bhutan suffer from. Anxiety is a disorder that causes a feeling of fear and worry.

Dr. Damber K. Nirola said anxiety has overtaken depression.

The hospital spends more than Nu 15,000 treating a patient for 10 days.


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