“Nothing for us!” Zhemganag people disheartened by the govt’s decision

While the government justified its move to leave Zhemgang out of the Tourism Flagship programme against the Opposition crying foul, for Zhemgang residents, the issue is beyond politics. They say, after the Chamkharchu Hydropower Project was shelved, their hopes and promises of a swift socio-economic development rested on being part of the flagship programme.

Going by the National Statistics Bureau’s report, the multi-dimensional poverty rate in Zhemgang increased by about 10 per cent between 2012 and 2017. The number of unemployed people touched 295 in 2017 from 72 in 2015. The district recorded some increase in the tourist arrivals in the last three years while the number of trade, hotels and restaurants remained constant.

Meanwhile, bleak business prospects, inconsistent public transport services and remaining frequently cut off due to roadblocks are synonymous to Zhemgang town.

“The Tourism Flagship Programme has been shifted to Sarpang and there’s nothing for us. Such news has saddened the people here,” said Phuntsho from Zhemgang

“During the election campaigns, the political parties promised to promote tourism in Zhemgang, establish a college and even speed up the Chamkharchu Hydro Project. People supported different parties since we were told that in the end, the aims and objectives are the same for all parties. But now, seems like it is different. It is difficult to understand what is happening,” added Thinley Wangdi also from Zhemgang.

“We expected the Flagship Programme to boost our rural economy and reduce poverty in the district. But now, we are told that Zhemgang is replaced with Sarpang although we know that Zhemgang has the potential to be promoted as a tourism hotspot,” Rinchen Gaydhen, Zhemgang, further added.

The Opposition had labelled the removal of Zhemgang and replacing it with Sarpang in the flagship programme as politically driven. They said it is an act of discrimination since both the MPs of Zhemgang are from Druk Phuesum Tshogpa besides disrespecting the parliament’s decision. On the other hand, the government justified that the decision was never along the political lines. Had it been so, they would not have put Zhemgang as a focus district, to begin with.

During the recent press conference, the foreign minister Dr Tandi Dorji said Zhemgang was replaced with Sarpang considering the greater benefits for both the dzongkhags and others nearby. He clarified that Zhemgang has always been on the government’s mind and as a result, it has one of the highest budget allocations in the 12th Five Year Plan. Excluding the budget for gewogs, Zhemgang is allocated Nu 1bn, whereas, Sarpang has only Nu 951 M.

“If at the end of the five years, if the people of Zhemgang feel that they have been left out, I will take responsibility from the Tourism Council of Bhutan as the Chair. But if they are going to benefit, I would like to request people of Zhemgang to rethink about the MPs that they are electing. Having MP three times and not bringing any benefit to the district, people should think,” said Dr Tandi Dorji, the Foreign Minister.

According to a statement, the Office of the Prime Minister issued following the press conference, many development activities have been marked for the district and there is no reason for the people of Zhemgang to be concerned.

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