Gyalpozhing college to introduce Bachelors of Science in IT

The Gyalpozhing College of Information Technology (GCIT) in Monggar will offer Bachelors of Science in Information Technology from next July. The Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) has already approved its introduction.

Works are also underway to introduce Computer Science Program from next July as well.

“Of the two programs we proposed, Bachelors of Science in Information technology has been approved,” Tshering, the Dean of Academic Affairs, said.

“We are now waiting for the validation of the program.”

He added the college is equipped with all necessary resources to offer the course. The GCIT is currently working with Sherubtse College on the transfer of books and human resources.

As for the introduction of the Computer Science Program, the Dean said the college is currently working on a proposal in collaboration with Sherubtse College, which will be submitted to the Quality Control Division of the RUB for approval.

Sherubtse College offers the program currently.The plan is to take it to Gyalpozhing College of Information Technology. The move was recommended by the RUB’s Academic Board.

“According to RUB’s academic norms, this program, which is currently offered at Sherubtse College, has reached for review. So, Gyalpozhing college in collaboration with Sherubtse College is reviewing the program.”

He added in case the program fails to garner the support and approval of RUB, Sherubtse College will continue to offer it.

There are 158 students studying computer application at Gyalpozhing College of Information Technology at present.

The college also provides a short-term IT literacy course to interested youths.

It has adopted a different learning method. “We call it learning by doing,” the Dean of Academic Affairs said.

“It helps the students develop analytical skills and other skills that will help them find jobs easily. So, this is something different we have.”

The college was formally inaugurated in October last year.

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